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    Home and Lifestyle, Kids

    Benefits of Playing Dress Up For Kids + Disney On Ice ( Detroit ) Giveaway !

    As a kid playing dress-up means serious business. Both of my kids love to play dress-up since the age of two. My son was a super-hero, a train, a dinosaur etc. There were times  he doesn’t have a real costume , he would figure out a way to make something out of it using boxes, papers, old clothes, whatever. Then he would come out and say “Tadaa, I’m a monster!” My daughter is the same way. When she was two years old, she would change at least 3 times a day.

    Why do some kids do this ? Why do they play dress-up like it’s their job?

    Benefits of  playing dress-up for kids

    1. Expand their imagination – playing role model is a great way to expand their imagination and get creative. Kids love to mimic their surroundings and they do that through role playing.
    2.  Gender identity – able to understand and explore gender identity. They would mimic behavior of such gender. Like, boys would want to wear dinosaur costumes, astronaut , cop, firemen etc. While girls would want princesses, fairies , mermaids etc. Regardless encourage your child with whoever they would want to be either a boy or girl role playing. Have them express their ideas ,feelings and explore different gender roles.
    3. Socialization – children develop interaction, it makes them show interest on others and learn how to give-and-take.
    4.  Motor skills – through their imaginations, it would make them develop to create what interest them. Like creating a craft to accomplish what’s in their imagination or just by simply running, jumping , dancing etc. it helps develop their motor skills.
    5. Empathy – through role playing, it gives them an idea and an understanding of what roles  play in other peoples lives. Like for example, my daughter loves to play mama to her dolls, she’s pretending her dolls are her babies. She knows that as a mom, she should feed them, bath them. change their clothes and play with them.

    It’s so amazing to watch how our kids develop traits and behaviors on stages of their life. Playing dress-up is one of them, it gives them freedom of who, when and where they want to be. It’s so fun to watch my kids when they are engaged in a dramatic play because you know their well being is progressing and developing on it’s own.


    This is  available around Metro Detroit area only.

    Disney On Ice Presents Frozen at Little Caesars Arena in Detroit, Michigan on October 18-21 . Tickets (starting at $15 ) it’s on sale already and can be purchased at , Little Caesars Arena Xfinity box offices and . To charge tickets by phone, call (800) 745-3000. Group discounts are available by calling (313) 471-3099.

    Read our last year’s Disney On Ice experience HERE 

    To join the giveaway :

    1. Follow me on Facebook and Instagram.
    2. Leave a comment below or on my Instagram post so i know you joined.
    3. Additional entries if you tag someone.

    So simple, that’s it ! This giveaway runs from 8/28/18 – 9/4/18. I will mention the winner on 9/5/18.

    Good luck and Thank you so much!

    Thank you 313 presents . All thoughts and ideas are mine


    Girl’s Adorable Easter Outfits That They Can Wear All Spring Long

    This post is sponsored by Janie and Jack. All thoughts and opinions are mine.

    top / pants / jacket / shoes / straw bag / headband / sunglasses 

    Can you believe it, spring is just around the corner ! I am so over with winter weather already and i can’t wait for spring. Most of all, i am so excited with spring fashion. The brights, pastels, bold prints and florals, they are popular around this season.

    Read more

    Home and Lifestyle, Kids

    Empathy Starts At Home

    Olivia’s outfit : coat : Gap Kids / top : Janie and Jack / shoes : c/o Janie and Jack other option here / jeans: Target / sunglasses : Janie and Jack other option here

    It was Valentine’s day when i was taking pictures of my daughter after we did our errands , then we went to her pre-school’s Valentine’s day party. After the party, i picked up my son from his classroom. It was a great day, even though it was cold. It was nice and sunny. When we went home, my husband told me about the shooting that happened in Parkland Florida High School. As a mom with school aged kids , i got really affected with the devastating and horrible news. I mean anybody would be, it doesn’t matter if you’re a parent or not. It’s such a heartless and inhumane act. I’m sure my post is nothing new to you, everything is being said  all over social media platforms. But since the incident, it’s whats all in my mind the whole weekend . It makes me weak reading and listening to all the news. I was grieving too but most of all, i am afraid. Now, i’m thinking of  homeschooling my kids. But that is something that me and my husband will have to think through more about it. My kids go to a school with small class sizes, where everybody knows everybody and pretty much everybody’s family. As far as i know they have cameras and  security systems but it still bothers me somehow because i’m a parent. We will do anything for our kids. So I signed up this petition for Gun control and i encourage you to do the same too. Owning  firearms shouldn’t be easy and have to go through an extensive mental and background check. They should increase the age limit as well. Most of all we should watch over our kids and raise them as good and compassionate human beings. I believe that everything starts at home. That empathy for that matter should start at home. It’s not just we say, “Be kind to everyone and don’t bully.” but we need to show  our children what it means to accept others. We also need to teach our children on how to act or deal on disagreements instead of rushing to insult or physically hurt people. It starts by setting an example of the way we act and the way we say things on certain situations, of how we speak our minds without being disrespectful. All these is easier said than done because we are not perfect but we  have to keep on trying to re evaluate  ourselves and our actions because we are our kids greatest influence. I wanted to share this poem from Charles Swindoll that hits me home. It reminds me that we have choice on how we want to live our life base on how we react to certain events of our life. It’s not about what life has given us but it’s how we react upon it.


    by: Charles Swindoll

    The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life.
    Attitude, to me is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think or say or do.It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill. It will make or break a company …a church …a home.The remarkable thing is we have a choice everyday regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way.
    We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude .I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it. And so it is with you …we are in charge of our attitudes.


    Empathy and good attitude goes hand in hand and should start at home.

